Ep 4: Textiles – A Serious Thread

So you’ve got a bag of clothes you don’t want. Some of these clothes are old and worn, while others are almost new. What happens with the clothes you donate? Can you do anything with the items that seem unusable? On this episode, we talk about the recyclability and sustainability of textiles made of various …

Continue reading Ep 4: Textiles – A Serious Thread

Ep 3: Glass – The Choice is Clear

Glass is all over the place - in windows, storage containers, screens, lenses, and more. But how much do you really know about this highly abundant material? In Episode 3, we talk all things glass, from where it comes from to how it is categorized and how it can be recycled. Stick around for an interview with special guest Elayne Ashley, Southeast section director for the American Scientific Glassblowers Society, to find out more about scientific glassblowing and just how recyclable glass really is.